Saturday  3:07p EDT  [change time zone] 
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Feedback, corrections is developed and edited by Kevin A. Kelly. This site and its database copyright © 2001-2024, Kevin A. Kelly (except for some BBC data which was supported by but is outdated since they stopped updating mid-2017).
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WXPN web site

Radio stations and audio streams

WXPN [MP3][aac+][MP3][aac+]    (adult alternative, Philadelphia)       (i)  (44 listings)
WXPN 2 [MP3][aac+][MP3][aac+]    (adult alternative/seasonal, Philadelphia)       (i)  (4 listings)
XPoNential R [MP3][aac+][MP3][MP3]    (adult alternative, Philadelphia)       (i)  (4 listings)

Programs and podcasts

Follow the (i) link next to any program for schedule listings and audio links.
All Request Saturday (eclectic music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Amazon Country (special interest)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Blue Dimensions (blues music)   (i)  (6 broadcasts)
Blues File (blues music)   (i)  (podcast)
Blues Show (blues music)   (i)  (2 broadcasts)
Conversations from the World Cafe (eclectic music)   (i)  (19 broadcasts)
Dave's World (eclectic music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Folk Show (folk music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Folkadelphia (folk music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Free at Noon Concert Series (live music/variety)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Funky Friday (eclectic music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Geator's RnR RnB Express (older popular music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Jingle Jams (eclectic music)   (i)  (4 broadcasts)
Kids Corner (children's/youth)   (i)  (1 broadcast+podcast)
Many Moods of Ben Vaughn (eclectic music)   (i)  (4 broadcasts)
Musician's Life (culture/arts)   (i)  (podcast)
Q'Zine (special interest)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
Sleepy Hollow (eclectic music)   (i)  (2 broadcasts)
Stars End (ambient/contemplative music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
World Cafe (eclectic music)   (i)  (158 broadcasts)
World Cafe - Next (eclectic music)   (i)  (podcast)
World Cafe - Words and Music (eclectic music)   (i)  (podcast)
XPN Afternoons with Dan Reed (eclectic music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
XPN Local (pop/rock music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
XPN Middays (eclectic music)   (i)  (4 broadcasts)
XPN Morning Show with Kristen Kurtis (eclectic music)   (i)  (1 broadcast)
XPN Music Mix (eclectic music)   (i)  (6 broadcasts)
XPN Music Notes (eclectic music)   (i)  (podcast)
XPoNential Radio (eclectic music)   (i)  (62 broadcasts)